What is S4?
The Short-A and the Long-A Sounds
The Short-E and the Long-E Sounds
The Short-I and the Long-I Sounds
The Short-O and the Long-O Sounds
The Short-U and the Long-U Sounds
The Ash Sound
The Short-Schwa and the Long-Schwa Sounds
The EI-Sound and the OU-Sound
The AI-Sound and the AU-Sound
The OI-Sound
The Clear-L and Dark-L Sounds
The Clear-M and the Dark-M Sounds
The Clear-N and the Dark-N Sounds
The Clear-R and the Dark-R Sounds
The P-Sound and the B-Sound
The T-Sound and the D-Sound
The K-Sound and the G-Sound
The Esh-Sound and the Ezh-Sound
The T-Esh-Sound and the D-Esh-Sound
The Thorn-Sound and the Eth-Sound
The F-Sound and the V-Sound
The S-Sound and the Z-Sound
The Y-Sound and the W-Sound
The H-Sound and the Eng-Sound
Things you can do with S4 phonetic text
How good does pronunciation need to be ?
Concerning vowels and consonants
Concerning light and dark vowels
Concerning British pronunciation
Witting or unwitting
Phonemic or phonetic
Breaking the cultural barrier
Liaison in phonetic text
And what about "phonics" ?
More about S4 phonetics can be found here.